Головна War against Ukraine Fields with new crops burn after enemy shelling in Kharkiv region

Fields with new crops burn after enemy shelling in Kharkiv region

Over the past day, rescuers of the Kharkiv region twice went out to extinguish fires of grain fields, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the regional department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region.

“The events took place in the village of Kytsivka of Chuhuyiv district, where a field of wheat burned in an area of about 1 hectare, and in the village of Morozova Dolyna of Bogodukhiv district, where a field burned in an area of about 20 hectares. These fires occurred as a result of enemy shelling,” – noted in the department.

In addition, pyrotechnicians of the State Emergency Service eliminated 13 unexploded enemy munitions.

Meanwhile, the Russian BBC reported that there were queues of trucks lined up at the border of the occupied part of Kharkiv Region with Russia, which are forced to transport the harvested grain to Russia, as local farmers have no physical possibility to transport it to the Ukrainian-controlled territory, while the existing granaries are overcrowded.

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