Головна War against Ukraine Police officers saved 40 hectares of crops from fire in Kherson region

Police officers saved 40 hectares of crops from fire in Kherson region

Employees of the Berislav district police department during a patrol of the village Prygirya of the Kochubey territorial community noticed smoke on the outskirts of the village. Dry grass was burning, and the fire spread to a strip of field protection that separated 40 hectares of grain fields.

Before that, the community’s settlements had been shelled by the Russian military, which caused the fire, ProAgro Group reported, citing information from the Ukrainian Interior Ministry.

“Police officers were the first to respond to the emergency situation and began extinguishing the fire with improvised means and called firefighters. The military and local residents also arrived to help. With joint efforts the fire was extinguished, there were no victims, the crops were saved,” – noted in the ministry.

Now police officers with rescuers are collecting material evidence. Legal qualification of the event is part 1 of Article 438 “violation of laws and customs of war” of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

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