Головна War against Ukraine Rashists take out Ukrainian harvest through Mariupol

Rashists take out Ukrainian harvest through Mariupol

російські загарбники вивозять вкрадене українське зерно через захоплений Маріуполь

Russians daily export the Ukrainian harvest from all granaries and elevators of the Mariupol district by grain trucks, ProAgro Group reports, citing a post in Telegram by the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petro Andriushchenko.

“The grain trucks are registered in 23 and 26 regions (Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory). The stolen grain is exported through Mariupol towards Rostov-on-Don. Looting on a national scale does not stop. This is part of the very grain that Russia so “sincerely” offers almost for free to the international community,” the mayor’s adviser wrote.

He also noted that the side effects are traffic jams in Mariupol due to trucks that do not follow the rules and regulations on the road.

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