Головна Agrometeorology Weather slows down harvesting of late crops and germination of winter crops...

Weather slows down harvesting of late crops and germination of winter crops – Ukrhydrometcenter

This year in Ukraine there is an early end of the meteorological summer, which was shorter on average by 10-20 days. The transition of the average daily temperature through +15 ° C in the direction of decrease occurred mainly in the period September 1-5, except for the southern regions, where the summer still continued. Over the past 30 years (1991-2021), this is the fifth very early transition to autumn, ProAgro Group reports with reference to the agrometeorological bulletin of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center for the second decade of September.

Agrometeorological conditions in the second ten-day period of September were determined by significant rains and low temperatures, and were heterogeneous throughout the territory. Thus, in the southern regions, effective rains almost completely stopped the soil drought, the soil is mostly well moistened, which created favorable conditions for sowing winter crops for the harvest of 2023 in optimal terms. In many areas of the northern and western regions, where precipitation was observed almost daily, since the beginning of September, the monthly norm of precipitation and more has already fallen, which, compared to the previous period, contributed to a dramatic increase in soil moisture reserves.

“The weather conditions during the ten-day period were unfavorable for the ripening and harvesting of late crops, the harvesting of corn, soybeans, sunflower, buckwheat, millet was restrained. In many areas, waterlogging of the plant mass was observed due to very high air and soil humidity. The lack of sunlight and predominantly cloudy weather did not contribute to the accumulation of sugars in the roots of beets”, – the review says.

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