Головна Без категорії The occupiers took 15 thousand tons of sunflowers and 10 thousand tons...

The occupiers took 15 thousand tons of sunflowers and 10 thousand tons of grain out of Luhansk region

Over the past two years, the state has invested in the development of agricultural business in the Luhansk region 320 million UAH of capital investment. The head of the military administration of the region Serhiy Gaidai wrote about it on Facebook page, “ProAgro Group” reports.

He noted that for these funds there was built a modern elevator with its own railway track in Rubizhne, which could simultaneously store 30 thousand tons of grain. The first mini-mill for milk processing in the region was launched. Three enterprises began to develop breeding business.

Rashists blew up this elevator, seized the property of most agricultural enterprises and stole our grain. They even quickly organized a railroad to transport 650 tons of grain from Starobilsk to Russia”, Serhiy Gaidai said.

In total, 15,000 tons of sunflower and 10,000 tons of grain were removed from the region’s granaries by the Rashists.

“At the same time, the “people’s authorities” are procuring grain for the future sowing season, offering agrarians “favorable terms of purchase” – for 8 thousand Russian rubles, while Ukraine was paying 8.6 thousand hryvnias per ton of products. In fact, producers will be paid only 30% of the cost of grain, and even more in rubles! Specialists understand that it is impossible to carry out the sowing campaign for the harvest of 2023 by these funds”, the official said.

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