Головна Economics and agricultural policy Agrarians call for more opportunities to book workers

Agrarians call for more opportunities to book workers

According to “ProAgro Group”, the Association “Ukrainian club of agrarian business” has applied to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk with the request to initiate the fastest possible consideration of the draft law ¹ 7687 on the improvement of the reservation system of persons liable for military service during the mobilization period.

The amendments, which allow to broaden the possibilities for reservation of workers, are extremely important for the agricultural sector. Now many companies are not able to book workers at the request of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on the availability of a contract on the execution of mobilization tasks (orders). Although until the beginning of May 2022 reservation of employees was carried out by agreement with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine without the requirement of such contracts, and, accordingly, companies did not conclude them.

UCAB members believe that the provision stipulated by draft law No. 7687 on the reservation of employees at enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critical to the functioning of the economy and the life of the population will solve the existing problem with reservations.

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