Головна Economics and agricultural policy DPZKU is irreversibly approaching bankruptcy

DPZKU is irreversibly approaching bankruptcy

Until the end of this week there may occur the logical final of a decade-long idea of the state grain trader – DPZKU may become bankrupt.

But better a terrible end than a horror without an end, wrote on his Facebook page the head of the board of the Ukrainian Agrarian Association, MP Maryan Zablotsky, reports “ProAgro Group”.

“The company is unlikely to be able to pay the $95 million of the next tranche of the loan on its own. It was inevitable, as a significant part of the $1.5 billion received from China in 2012 was stolen during the time of Viktor Yanukovych. A lot was also done during the short-term quota for the Ministry of Agrarian Policy by the Svoboda Party. In half a year of their management, about $250 million disappeared from the company’s accounts. Criminal cases were opened against all the managers of the company without exception, all of them are on the run. But there is little chance of getting back the stolen money. The funds, which remained in the company, might be sufficient only till the beginning of 2022 at the most”, – noted the MP.

According to him, the government will have to pay off the loan, because it was issued in 2012 under the state guarantees. The Ministry of Finance has the resources to repay either the next tranche of the loan or the entire loan.

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