Prometey Group of Companies is both an agricultural producer, because it possesses 20 thousand hectares of land under cultivation, and an exporter and one of the largest elevatorists by volume of storage. Therefore, it can assess the risks for the agricultural sector from different sides, reports ProAgro Group.
In an interview to Focus, the company owner Rafael Goroyan noted that about 1 million tons of Ukrainian grain were shipped after the large-scale invasion by Russia, which is a credit to the traders. After all, a farmer, having sown grain but no traders in the country, will not be able to sell his goods.
“We as traders do not ask for any subsidized money, preferential loans. We only ask the state to pay off debts by reimbursing VAT. This is the first task to provide the country with bread. Because if this year the farmer won’t sell his products comfortably and won’t make a profit, even that subsidized money won’t help him – he won’t sow any crops next year,” Goroyan said.
In order to ensure that the state does not subsidize the farmer once again, buying it for “real money” so he will not be at a loss, Prometey proposes to support traders by reimbursing the export VAT.
“It is important to consider that, for example, corn cost 9 thousand UAH/ton, now it costs 5 thousand UAH/ton, sunflower seeds cost 22 thousand UAH/ton, now it costs 10-12 thousand UAH/ton. If VAT will not be reimbursed, all debts of trader will be put on the producer in the future when purchasing”, – said the owner of Prometey.