Головна Economics and agricultural policy The government is going to liquidate a separate agrarian ministry again

The government is going to liquidate a separate agrarian ministry again

Ukraine has agreed on another concept of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In particular, a large-scale reorganization of the government is planned with the reduction of ministries and their staff.

Such a decision was agreed yesterday by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the leadership of the Cabinet of Ministers, ProAgro Group reports with reference to the “Mirror of the Week”.

According to the publication, instead of the current 20 ministries, it is planned to leave only 14. Some of them will remain, and some will be merged into new structures. Thus, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, together with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Strategic Sectors of the Economy, is planned to unite into a single Ministry of Economic Development.

Recall that in 2019, at the first plenary session of the current parliament on August 29, the deputies decided to liquidate the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and transfer its powers to the newly created Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy was restored in its activities by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1344 of December 28, 2020.

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