Головна Gardening Ukraine may soon grow up to 6 thousand tons of hazelnuts per...

Ukraine may soon grow up to 6 thousand tons of hazelnuts per year

Ukraine can reach the leading position on the cultivation of nuts. Thanks to state support the number of nut orchards is steadily growing.

This was stated by the head of the department of the Institute of Horticulture, candidate of agricultural sciences Viktor Sobol, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to the press service of the NAAS of Ukraine.

According to the scientist, the industrial production of nuts in Ukraine has been conducted for 10 years: they began with the mass cultivation of walnuts, and 6-7 years ago the first plantations of hazelnuts appeared.

“This industry in Ukraine, on the one hand – young, but on the other – traditional. After all, its own varieties were created in the 1960s. However, the culture of nut farming for some time has been underestimated. We still lag behind many European and Arab countries in nut consumption,” said Viktor Sobol.

However, thanks to the development of support programs for horticulture in Ukraine, we have made significant progress in growing nut orchards. We are talking mostly about walnuts and hazelnuts. Growing hazelnuts in the next 3-4 years will remain a promising trend, the expert said.

Now this culture already planted 2000 hectares, on which in 3-4 years, you can already collect a good harvest. The maximum yield of hazelnut reaches 2-2,5 tons, and with proper irrigation and feeding of the soil with organic matter – up to 3 tons per hectare. Thus, in the near future Ukraine will be able to grow up to 6 thousand tons of hazelnut.

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