Головна Horticulture Grain How Ukraine is blocking the sale of stolen grain by the Rashists

How Ukraine is blocking the sale of stolen grain by the Rashists

Russian invaders steal grain from the temporarily occupied territories in the south and east of Ukraine, the occupiers try to sell the grain on international markets. Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told the UArazom telethon how Ukraine is blocking this sale, ProAgro Group reports.

“We are aware of this problem, we are struggling with it and have even had some success. For example, one of the ships, which, in our opinion, was carrying stolen grain and was bound for Egypt. We made it so that it was not accepted in Egypt. After that it had to resort to maneuvers and try to get into ports in other countries. We’re keeping an eye on him,” Kuleba noted.

He also added that the only country where Ukraine cannot stop such a ship from docking is Syria.

“This is Russia’s closest ally. But we work with all other countries so that none of them will be tempted by stolen Ukrainian grain,” Kuleba stressed.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also explained whether Russia is threatened by the grain embargo.

“Our task as MFA together with the Ministry of Industrial Policy, to help build alternative export routes for Ukrainian agricultural producers, to unblock the ways, so that we could sell our grain and to saturate the world market and save people from hunger and malnutrition around the world. In fact, this season, as far as I know, is quite difficult in terms of yields for the world. So every grain, every liter of oil will literally be worth its weight in gold. International organizations are guided by the logic that it is necessary to saturate the market as much as possible, and not to introduce new restrictions. russia will not be able to compensate with its grain, its exports from the lack of Ukrainian exports. The world is growing, the world is consuming more and more food. That is why all our efforts are focused more and more on preventing attempts to sell stolen Ukrainian grain on the world market and create export routes for Ukrainian farmers,” he said.

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