Головна Horticulture Grain Occupiers want to remove Ukrainian grain from Mariupol port

Occupiers want to remove Ukrainian grain from Mariupol port

Вид на Маріупольський морський порт, травень 2022 року

Russian occupants are trying to partially restore the port in occupied Mariupol, which contains Ukrainian metal and grain, which signals the enemy’s intention to export stolen Ukrainian property.

According to “ProAgro Group”, the director of the state enterprise “Mariupol sea commercial port” Ihor Barsky told this in a commentary to “European Pravda”.

According to him, February 23, there were 3.4 thousand tons of grain in the port warehouses and another 9 thousand tons on a vessel under a foreign flag at one of the berths.

Now the occupants have unblocked the old port gates. Given the depth of about 3.5 meters, river-going vessels with a shallow draft can enter there. However Russian vessels can not enter the port until the water area of the port is cleared from the sunken sea transport. According to Barsky, the occupants can clear 3-4 berths out of 18.

To do this, the enemy needs electricity to be able to use the portal cranes. But the port substation is damaged, and its restoration is a complex process that takes a long time. Therefore, the invaders will not be able to load their vessels with Ukrainian property yet.

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