According to reports from Crimean residents, they have recently noticed an increase in the number of freight trains with “grain” written on their cars. All of them belong to the “North Caucasus Railway”. About this on his page on Facebook wrote the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights Lyudmyla Denisova, reports “ProAgro Group”.
It is reported that the trains go to the railway stations, which border the Kherson region. At the same time, Crimea does not have its own reserves of grain for export in such quantities.
“Kherson oblast and Zaporozhye oblast give large crops of grain and a large number of granaries are currently placed there. Therefore, the aggressor obviously intends to export Ukrainian grain. A few weeks ago, the Rashists already stole grain from Berdyansk port,” Denisova wrote.
On the peninsula began selling vegetables exported from the temporarily occupied territory of Kherson region. Export of grain and food from the occupied territories is a violation of Article 55 of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.
The ombudswoman noted that she had asked the UN Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights Violations during the Russian military invasion of Ukraine to take these facts into account.