Головна Logistics Port of Mykolayiv will not be used for grain exports yet

Port of Mykolayiv will not be used for grain exports yet

The Ministry of Infrastructure does not see the possibility in the near future to include Mykolayiv port in the agreement on the export of Ukrainian grain. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Yuriy Vaskov during the national telethon, reports ProAgro Group.

“We want all our ports to work, including in the Mykolayiv region, but it certainly depends on the military situation. So far, from the security point of view, we can’t do it,” Vaskov explained.

However, according to him, technically Mykolayiv port is ready for the agricultural export.

“There is a certain destruction of infrastructure, but it is not critical for agro-export. If the military situation is resolved, we will come out with an initiative, which we hope the UN will support. To work technically the port is ready,” – said the deputy minister.

In early August, Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov said that the sea port of Mykolayiv may be added to the list of ports from which grain will be exported through the “grain corridor”.

“This port, given that there is fighting there now, was not included in the first phase. But we do not forget anything and we will work on it”, – stressed Kubrakov.

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