Головна Logistics Russian military blocking navigation areas did not affect the work of Ukrainian...

Russian military blocking navigation areas did not affect the work of Ukrainian ports

As of today, the dispatch services of the Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine have not received information about the cancellation of pre-planned ship calls or the reduction of cargo turnover of stevedoring companies and terminals because of the Russian Federation fleet exercises.

This was reported by Oleksandr Holodnitsky, acting chairman of the state enterprise “ASPU”, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the enterprise.

“Comparing the average indicators of vessel handling at the berths and on the outer roads of the ports, we have the following data: 48 ships per day – the average rate of handling of ships by the ports of Odessa, Yuzhny, Chernomorsk, Nikolaev, Olvia, Mariupol, Berdyansk before the start of the RF exercise, compared to 54 ships per day – the average after the start of the exercise. This is an indirect indicator, but quite correct and illustrative”, – said Oleksandr Holodnitsky.

He emphasized that ASPU has been publishing data on ships’ movements in the ports daily since February 14. This information also illustrates that there is no decline in ship calls, the ports work with even greater intensity than the day before.

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