Головна Logistics UTA Group announces termination of its operations in Mariupol

UTA Group announces termination of its operations in Mariupol

The UTA Group, the owner of the grain terminal in the port of Mariupol, has ceased operations in Mariupol and other locations, which are currently not under the control of Ukraine, since the beginning of military operations. The group said this on its Facebook page, ProAgro Group reports.

“The brutal hostilities, lack of communications, numerous destructions of production and residential infrastructure in the city make it impossible to carry out operational activities and fulfill their obligations,” the statement said.

It is noted that some of the employees turn to the management with applications for termination of labor relations, for the possibility of obtaining financial assistance from the state or in search of a new life in other cities of Ukraine and abroad. Each employee will be provided with financial aid in case of dismissal.

“The heart of UTA Group has stopped together with our terminal and all companies, because our group lived thanks to each of you – our dear colleagues”, – stressed the company.

At the same time UTA Group expressed confidence that the time will come and the company will be able to resume its work in Ukrainian Mariupol.

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