Головна Horticulture Grain Erdogan discusses creation of corridors for Ukrainian grain with Putin

Erdogan discusses creation of corridors for Ukrainian grain with Putin

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a telephone conversation with President Putin discussed the creation of safe corridors in the Black Sea for the export of Ukrainian grain.

Erdogan said that it is time to take action on the UN plan to create safe corridors for the export of grain in the Black Sea, the communications department of the Turkish president said, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to “European Truth”.

The Turkish leader once again stressed that the war between Ukraine and Russia should end with a lasting and just peace through negotiations. He said that Turkey was ready to do its part to revive the negotiation process.

For its part, the Kremlin said that in their conversation, the leaders continued to exchange views on the situation around Ukraine, including in the context of coordinating efforts to ensure the safety of navigation in the Black Sea and grain exports to world markets.

Last week, Turkey’s president said he would intensify talks to unblock grain exports from Ukraine by sea and expects progress within ten days. And Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said the “grain corridor” problem is close to a solution, but would not disclose details.

At the same time, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba warned against hoping for a quick agreement on humanitarian corridors for grain. He said that the negotiations are focused on the exact routes the movement can take and how to secure the ships. However, there is still no agreement on how to guarantee Russia’s non-aggression on Odessa from the sea, as well as on foreign patrols for civilian ships.

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