Головна Horticulture Grain Farms of Kharkiv region harvested more than 800 thousand tons of grain...

Farms of Kharkiv region harvested more than 800 thousand tons of grain of the new crop

Today Kharkiv region has harvested early grain and leguminous crops from 67% of areas. Such data were provided in the department of agricultural development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, reports “ProAgro Group”.

“Early cereals and leguminous crops harvested on an area of 234.2 thousand hectares (67%), threshed 836.7 thousand tons of grain at an average yield of 35.7 c/ha,” – said the department.

In general the leaders in the region for the harvesting of early grain and leguminous crops are agrarians of Lozovsky district, who threshed 202 thousand tons of grain and gathered 92% of the area (59 thousand hectares), the average yield of 34.2 centners / ha. And the highest yield is in Bogodukhiv district – 43,9 cwt/ha, they harvested 57% of the area (32 thousand hectares) and threshed 142 tons of grain.

The agrarians of the Kharkiv region will suffer great losses as a result of military operations. Already 32 agricultural enterprises have suffered.

“Agricultural land suffers great damage mainly from such damages: mine contamination and direct physical damage. There are 86.4 thousand hectares damaged – these are farms of Bogodukhiv, Kharkiv and Chuguyiv districts,” – noted in the agricultural department.

Since the beginning of the war, 187 pieces of agricultural machinery and equipment have actually been damaged and destroyed.


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