Головна Horticulture Harvesting of late crops is coming to an end in Rivne region

Harvesting of late crops is coming to an end in Rivne region

Agrarians of the Rivne region are completing the harvesting of sunflower and soybeans, having threshed 98% and 93% of the areas under these crops, respectively. This was told by the head of the Rivne Regional State Administration Vitalii Koval, “ProAgro Group” reports with reference to the information of the regional state administration.

Currently, all categories of farms in the region have threshed grain on an area of 233.6 thousand hectares, which is 83% of the sown area. Buckwheat harvesting on the area of 4.8 thousand hectares has been completed, the average yield is 11 cwt / ha.

Corn harvesting continues, 41% of the crops have already been threshed. Also, sugar beet harvesting continues, which has already been harvested 670 thousand tons from 13.1 thousand hectares, which is 72% of the projected area.

At the same time, the sowing of winter crops in the Rivne region is coming to an end. All categories of farms have sown 111.5 thousand hectares of winter cereals – 91% of the forecast. The head of the region added that 25.1 thousand hectares of winter rape were sown for the next year’s harvest.

“Everything is calm and predictable on the “agricultural front”. These are important factors for the food security of our region,” – Vitaliy Koval summed up.

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