Головна Animal husbandry Live hogs depreciated, while pork price remains the same

Live hogs depreciated, while pork price remains the same

Reduction of prices for the purchase of pigs of slaughter conditions in October did not affect the prices of pork in the retail trade. This was stated by analysts of the Association of Pig Breeders of Ukraine, who monitored the prices on the live stock market and in the national trading networks, reports ProAgro Group.

By the end of October, prices for pigs of slaughter conditions decreased by 2.2% or 1.1 UAH/kg compared to September, amounting to 47.6 UAH/kg. At the same time, chilled pork has even added in price by half a percent on the supermarkets shelves. For instance, if in September a kilo of pork cost 131.4 UAH/kg on average, in October the average retail price dropped below 132 UAH/kg only at the end of the month.

At the same time the price dynamics for different product items was not homogeneous. In particular, if the main kebab position – cap – has fallen in price by 1.7% against its average price in September, the shoulder blade and thigh, on the contrary, have increased in price by 2.1% and 5.1%, respectively.

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