Головна News Ukrainian market NABU completes investigation into the embezzlement of grain worth 3.2 m UAH

NABU completes investigation into the embezzlement of grain worth 3.2 m UAH

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office have completed an investigation into the possible embezzlement by officials of the State Reserve Agency of Ukraine of grain to the amount of over 3.2 million UAH.

This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to the information of the press service of the NABU.

Materials of the investigation were disclosed to the defense before the indictment. Among suspects are the president, the head of the production and technical laboratory and the head of the elevator of “Okhtyrka combinate of bakeries”.

The actions of all persons were qualified under Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – “Appropriation, embezzlement of property or seizure by abuse of office”.

The investigation revealed that in November 2020 the president of the factory by prior agreement with other employees illegally and gratuitously shipped sunflower seeds that were in storage to other private entities. And thus carried out embezzlement of more than 189 tons of sunflower seeds worth 3.2 million UAH. Grain was taken outside of the combinate, however, the detectives of the National Bureau took immediate measures to prevent its further illegal circulation and returned to the state enterprise.

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