Головна Horticulture Spring sowing picks up speed in Khmelnitsky region

Spring sowing picks up speed in Khmelnitsky region

Under martial law sowing campaign in Khmelnitsky region is gaining momentum. Early spring crops have already been sown on more than 80 thousand hectares of forecasted nearly 400 thousand hectares, “ProAgro Group” reports with reference to the regional state military administration.

Farms are focusing on food grains and cereals, such as buckwheat, barley, peas, at the expense of reducing the volume of sowing corn and soybeans.

As of April 4, farms of all forms of ownership sowed more than 80 thousand hectares of early spring crops, particularly, spring barley was sown in the area of 46 thousand hectares or 72% of planned 65 thousand hectares, spring wheat – 9.3 thousand hectares, or 93% (forecast – 10.5 thousand hectares), pea – 3.2 thousand hectares, which makes 128% of planned, sugar beet – 3.6 thousand hectares or 15% of planned 26 thousand hectares.

Moreover, spring rapeseed and perennial grasses were sown on an area of more than 1.5 thousand hectares. Households on the area of 280 hectares started planting early potatoes

At the level of territorial communities, explanatory work with agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership on the need to expand the sowing areas of major food crops, in particular vegetables in the framework of the state project “Victory Gardens”, in which small farms and private farms are involved.

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