Головна News Ukrainian market Ukraine’s agricultural exports have dropped threefold since the war began

Ukraine’s agricultural exports have dropped threefold since the war began

During the first 4 months of 2022 Ukraine exported $7 420 million worth of agro-food products, exceeding the last year’s figures for January-April by 3%. This was stated by the deputy director of the National Scientific Center “Institute of Agrarian Economics”, academician Mykola Pugachov, as “ProAgro Group” reports.

However, he notes that we should pay attention to the significant contrast between the figures in the pre-war and war periods. If in January and February of this year, according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the value of domestic agricultural exports was $5 676 million, in March and April – after the Russian invasion – deliveries of Ukraine to foreign markets brought revenue of only $1 744 million, having decreased more than threefold during the war.

Agricultural products continue to be the main source of foreign exchange earnings for Ukraine’s foreign trade: in January-April 2022, their share in total exports exceeded 44%, said the scientist.

This year the key commodity groups in agrarian exports are still grains, oilseeds, oils and fats, residues of processing industry, and meat products. Altogether these types of agricultural products occupy almost 90% in the structure of foreign supplies.

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