Головна Horticulture Grain High prices boost grain exports from Argentina

High prices boost grain exports from Argentina

Taking advantage of high grain prices, Argentina exported $32.8 billion worth of grains, oilseeds and processed products in 2021, a record profit for the country since the beginning of this century.

ProAgro Group reports this, citing World-Grain.

Only last December, the country’s agribusiness sector exported $2.68 billion worth of grains and derivatives, the CIARA-CEC report noted.

Argentina is the world’s leading supplier of soybean meal and livestock feed, particularly pigs and poultry, to markets in Europe and Southeast Asia. The country also exports some of the largest volumes of corn, wheat and crude soybeans. Export revenue from the agribusiness sector is a key source of income for Argentina.

During the year, however, the country’s grain production suffered from dry weather that hurt crops. And low water levels on the Paraná River, the country’s main transportation route, presented difficulties for grain cargo ships.

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