Головна Animal husbandry Dairy farming Ukraine loses export potential of dairy industry

Ukraine loses export potential of dairy industry

Amid the ongoing crisis in the dairy sector in Ukraine in recent years the volume of exports of dairy products has decreased significantly. Leonid Tulush, head of the department of the Institute of Agrarian Economics, emphasized this fact when estimating the forecasted export volumes of dairy products in 2021.

As ProAgro Group reports with reference to the information of the scientific institution, since 2018, the volume of exports of dairy products has been decreasing significantly. While in 2018 the volume of exports exceeded 800 thousand tons, in 2021 it is expected to be only 350 thousand tons.

According to the calculations of scientists of the Institute of Agrarian Economics, export volumes – in physical terms – of certain groups of dairy products decreased in 2021 against 2018 indicators:

  • butter – by 68%;
  • condensed milk and cream – by 33%;
  • whey – by 25%;
  • cheese – by 21%.

Leonid Tulush noted that while Ukraine has become a net importer of milk in 2020, in 2021 it has strengthened in this status. Due to the lack of adequate amounts of state support, he noted, it is difficult for domestic dairy companies to compete on the world market with countries with a developed dairy industry.

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