Головна Consumer market Borsch vegetables rose in price by 2-3 times in a year

Borsch vegetables rose in price by 2-3 times in a year

In 2021, the prices of borsch set vegetables in Ukraine increased rapidly. In particular, wholesale prices for carrots are now two times higher than last year, prices for onions – two and a half times, prices for white cabbage – three times and prices for table beets – also three times.

On average, prices in this category of vegetables have risen 2.6 times compared to early December 2020, ProAgro Group reports, citing EastFruit.

By the way, the only product of the borsch group, which has not risen in price, but on the contrary, has fallen in price, remains potatoes. The average wholesale prices for Ukrainian potatoes at the moment is a third lower than a year before.

Among the key reasons for the rise in price of vegetables analysts point out the reduction of cultivated areas and adverse weather conditions. At the same time farmers have been expanding the area under potatoes which, on the contrary, was expensive for several years in a row over the last two years. That is why prices for it were lower than last year.

Among other factors that had a negative impact on investment in the cultivation of borsch set vegetables should be named the deterioration of the profitability of growing these crops amid explosive growth in prices for grains and oilseeds. This allowed the latter to approach to borsch set vegetables profitability of growing per hectare.

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